Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Red Onions, Rosemary, Kale Omelet

I did it! I finally made an omelet all by myself and I'm so proud and I believe you can do it too!
I was inspired to make another attempt after receiving some local, organic greens from a friend. I discovered the secret is to use a clean pan and be patient! Pushing the eggs around before they were done was always my downfall, but I waited and waited and it finally payed off. And it was tasty too. The rosemary and thyme added a savory element to the omelet that was almost reminiscent of cheese(which I would certainly recommend adding if you like that sort of thing :)) And the red onions and bell peppers cut though the bitterness of kale in such a delightful way; it was just yum!
-1 tbsp olive oil/however much is needed so it doesn't stick)
-2 organic eggs
-1 tsp rosemary
-1 tsp thyme
-1 cup sliced bell peppers
-1/2 cup sliced red onions
-2 cups chopped kale
1. Heat a pan, add 1/2 the oil and saute the red onions, pepper and kale and cook down until the kale is wilted.
2. While the veges are cooking whisk the eggs and add the spices together.
3.In a heated pan, add the other half of the oil then pour in the eggs, let them cook until the bottom is finishes and its no longer runny on top.
4. add the veggies to the middle of the eggs, fold in half and place on a plate. Eat and be filled with tons of happy vitamins!

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