Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fighting off the invasives: Clean Chocolate Pudding (easy, gluten-free, diabetic friendly/refined sugar-free, vegan)

In one of my classes we recently discussed a troublesome invasive specie name kudzu. It's a vine that plagues the eastern states(ecpescially the south) by destroying native species, creating smog, toppling power lines and all sorts of other peskies. Turns out that its actually edible and can be used to produce arrowroot starch(which so happens to be a pantry item I've been itching to use lately). Arrowroot powder it a substitute for corn/potato starch which are often GMO. In class we also tried to come up with a solution for kudzu's control; one of the ideas was to create a culinary market for it. So with the cold upping my hankering for chocolate, coupled with desire for a better world, I created delicous clean chocolate pudding. It'll hit any chocolate-wants you have with the wonderful complementing flavor of allspice. Enjoy this marvelous masterpeice with the satifaction that you're fighting off a pest while filling yourself with fiber and antioxidants.

-2 cups milk(any type)
-4 tbsps arrowroot starch/powder
-5-8 tbsps cocoa powder
-1 dash salt
-1/4 cup date syrup (or 3 tbsps honey/maple syrup)
-1 tbsp cinnamon
-1/2 tsp allspice
-1 tsp vanilla
-1 tsp butter(optional)
*happy toppings include bananas, cocoa nibs, slivered almonds, or even peanut butter for a pb-cup feel

Directions: In an unheated sauce pan combine milk, arrowroot powder, salt, cocoa powder and stir until fairly dissolved. Next, heat over medium heat for 5 min then stir in date syrup, cinnamon and allspice. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until it begins to thicken(about 5-10 min). Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and butter. Cool mixture in fridge for 20 minutes and serve cold, yum:)

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